Gas safe

Gas Safe Register replaced CORGI as the gas registration body in GB on 1st April 2009. The HSE carried out a review of gas safety in 2006 which, after consultation with the gas industry, engineers and the public, led to the decision to change to a new gas registration scheme. The contract to run the new scheme was awarded to Capita and we launched Gas Safe Register. The sole focus of the register is on improving and maintaining gas safety to the highest standards.

Anyone carrying out gas work must have a Gas Safe Register ID card. If not, they are breaking the law and putting you and your family at risk.

Gas safety is one of the most important factors in having a safe home and work place. The dangers that surround unsafe gas appliances are deadly serious. Poorly maintained, faulty or badly installed gas work leads to carbon monoxide poisoning, the effects of which can be fatal.

It’s not always easy to spot an illegal gas worker for a fully qualified Gas Safe registered engineer. Always ask to see your gas engineer’s Gas Safe Register ID card to make sure they are safe and legal.

The Gas Safe register is here to make sure you don’t fall into the trap of paying for illegal gas work with your health, and possibly your life.

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